Episode Thirteen : A Place of My Own..

Is it sad that I don’t have a place in my own home where I feel cozy and comfy in?  Don’t get me wrong, I love my house, I mean, I have the bedroom with an obnoxiously comfortable bed, and we have an office, but its full of the Husbands school/work/research stuff.  Sometimes I just want a little place to curl up and read or write, somewhere that’s mine, where I can concentrate and be creative.  I want to find my stuff in the inexcusable place that I left it.  I want to put a cute framed pictures of the Dog and my girls, or a cute note that my husband left me (if he ever did that kinda thing) where I can see them and draw inspiration from. 

Today, I sat in our home office to send off a few emails then to work on this blog but I couldn’t find peace or inspiration.  I had to continually push Goopie off of me because the Husband doesn’t mind when he jumps in his lap while he’s on the computer, or I was distracted by the big shiny monitor that dwarfs my tiny laptop on the huge desk, begging me to check facebook one more time.  Our office is nice and all, but I have the luxury of having a laptop, so I guess I can go into any room-but this just keeps me from having my own space.  I know once your married, everything belongs to both partners, but the office, it’s really his.  Sure my books bump elbows with his, and I have a small filing cabinet in the corner with my craft and jewelry supplies, but if I want to actually MAKE something, I have to put it away for him to use his office when he’s home or do it on the dining room table.  I continue to say his office because we only decided on a two-bedroom place so he could have a place to study and work-the room has its purpose.  Who knew I would want an office too?  Too bad we cant be like Carrie and Big (satc2) and have a bonus apartment, or even people who have four plus bedrooms.  But in this city, we're lucky to get a two bedroom for under two-grand a month.  

Thinking a lot about this while I sat at Starbucks, I mentally (then virtually) designed my own office.  Heres what I’m dreaming of for my next house… 

So, I ask you, where do you go to work, read, study, create and write?  What tiny nook of your house is yours?  And how do you stake your claim?  How do you mark your territory? 


  1. My tiny nook is in the wine fridge. and I love your virtual office.

  2. love your blog! you write so well!
