Episode Twelve : Things that can happen in a day..

Procrastination will be the end of me.  I started my day with a list of errands that I have been putting off for too long, and finally accomplished them-or most of them, I’ll do the others later. I’m sure visuals would help give you the quick spin of the day, but unfortunately, my beloved Blackberry was at the devil doctor (one of the errands I was putting off), so I had no camera (yikes, and no clock) handy to document my day.  Let me summarize (I read a blog where someone said they enjoy having a glimpse at the bloggers day, well, mine wasn’t exciting, but lets see if I can make it appear as if it was..)

First I got up and made the Husband a delicious breakfast (Ok, this is a lie.  He was up 3 hours before me, and he shoved a Pop Tart in my hand and reminded me that I have a Doctors appointment of my own at 11.  Blah.)

After the Husband left, I forced myself to drink the too-hot tea and hop on the Wii Fit.  (I actually did this!!  86 days until the wedding!).  Here, I spend about 12 minutes of the next hour working out, and about 48 minutes downloading fun workout songs (Burlesque Sound Track > Get it!).

Skip some boring time of me dancing around the house (*see : avoiding folding laundry). 

I get to the doctor early (on time is apparently the medical fields ‘early’), and wait to be seen.  I flipped through a few magazines before remembered that people usually only go to the doctor when they’re ridiculously sick.  Ew.  If I catch some yucky disease in the next few days, Ill let you know which doctors office to avoid like the plague.   After being infected waiting in the tiny waiting room for 45 minutes, I was taken into the room for a total of SIX minutes (three of which were with an actual doctor), just enough time to point to my smiling face proving I’m quasi-happy, and was let go.  51 minutes. 

Next stop was the phone doctor.  In November, my cell phone provider, who shall remain nameless until they piss me off again, sent me an update for my GPS.  Little did they know, I was still rocking the 2010 Blackberry (hello, it was still 2010) and they sent me an ultra new shiny update for the 2011 Blackberry.  Of course, I jumped on that bandwagon and downloaded until my little hearts content-only to find, next time I desperately needed to use my GPS, it was brokeded.  Buttheads!  They insisted I needed to bring my phone into a certain type of store to have it rebooted, or something like that.  This was going to take two and half house.  So, of course, I put off doing this for like 4 months (GPSless, and lost about 400 times).  Due to this ‘reboot’ thingy, I went three hours without my lifeline.  I always have my phone at my fingertips to read texts/emails/FB/twitter and now Blog updates. But MOST importantly, I use it as a CLOCK.  See, here’s the uber annoying thing about Miss Shelley, I get crazy anxiety (seriously) if I don’t know what time it is.  I don’t wear a watch, so for the three hours, I was asking everyone I could find what time it was.  It was a long three hours. My heart was thumping the-whole-type.  Luckily, this took place after seeing the doctor. 

During this time while Rebecca (Blackberry > Blackie > John Stamos > Beckie > Rebecca.  Duh!) was undergoing reproductive surgery, I got a Mani that looks pretty dang great (the Pedi happened a week ago).  I had them do gels with the promise that it would last at least ten days.  Believe me, I have LOTS of time on my hands to go back and bitch them out if it doesn’t last more than 4 days (interview on Wednesday.)

To kill more time, I ate at the worldly food court (seriously, Asian, Cuban, Italian, Thai, Indian, Japanese-no McDonalds) and wandered around the large and confusing mall.  It’s actually the mall that Mall Cop was filmed at.  I don’t know why I told you this, because even I haven’t seen the movie.  And shopped a bit too much at Sophora (oh how I love thee, yet do not need thee), and J Crew (Sprrriiiiiinnngg!).  I would have been more productive in searching for bday cards for the abundance of April birthdays, but my no-clock-anxiety was kicking in big time, and I figure, I always send cards too late anyway, so why fix it if it aint brokeded (can this be my new word?)?

Now I’m home.  The windows are open and the dog is locked in his club house, so I have piece and quiet until the Husband gets home and asks why I still haven’t folded the laundry that has been sitting on the counter for 6 days.  It’s such a lovely Spring Day.  I would rather be napping in the sun than folding the husband’s shirts.  When did I sign up for this?  Oh yeah, 324 days ago.  Know what that means?  41 days until my first anniversary.  Oh yeah… Ill be in San Francisco... With the girls…  and without the Husband.  Is that bad?

Happy Spring!


PS.  DAMNIT SPRINT!  You did it, I’m calling you out!!  I had my apps lined up perfectly, and NOW they’re ALL gone!!  Now I have to spend hours downloading, signing in and lining them up perfectly again! 


  1. You do Wii fit? Really? I hate you. I wish I had time to do Wii fit. And you're skinny. Wait, and why San Francisco? Is if for the wedding? Wait, and WHAT did you go to the doctor for? You can't just add this whole story about you going to the doctor and becoming infected with bed bugs and not tell us WHY you went to the doctor?? and nom your button is still not fixed.

  2. You are super funny. I love the nails. I need to try out the gel nails. I wonder if my craptastic town even has them yet.

    Okay....so I really really like to respond to my blogging friends via email after they leave me sweet comments about my adorable daughter but I can't email you back because you're not set up to receive email. So I was wondering if you'd do me a tiny favor? Could you go to your dashboard and then click "edit profile" and on that page is a little box that you check to enable your email...I think it's the third item down. Don't forget to hit SAVE at the bottom. And then I can respond to you after you leave me sweet comments! =)

    Raven is a mess. Tell her to shut her mouth! lol

  3. Haha. ok, replies.
    Raven, to say 'Yes, I wii' would mean that I use it often, which I dont. I should. The big wedding that I'm going to is in July in Seattle, but the brides bachelorette party is in San Fran, the weekend of my anniversary. M said he doesn't care if I go. The doctor was just a check up/check in to make sure that the medication I am on (that holds back anxiety, and yucky sad feelings) is working properly. It was, when I was using it. I needed a new prescription. AND finally, I dont know why my button doesn't work.. I used the link you sent me. Go to my 'blogs I stalk' page and grab the link there. Maybe that would work??

    And Miss Impulsive Addict (have I mentioned how much I love your name?!) I just fixed the email thing. I thought I did it before when you asked, but as you guessed, I probably forgot to hit save. Sometimes I jump the gun without patience-hence, me always writing 'house' instead of 'hours'. I fixed it!!

  4. omg that is pretty funny! cute pic with your blackberry. =) and i totally understand the phone thing. i have needed to take mine in since december for the big crack in the LCD screen and have put it off bc i don't want to be without it! =)
