Episode Two : Quality Time

As to not just work on setting up the blog with no content, I am going to do what I just said I need to be held accountable in doing – I am about to produce a blog posting.
I am sitting in a very cold library at the husband’s school while he works on saving the world through economics.  This is our way of spending quality time together.  Unconventional, yes, but it’s the only way that I get to see him with his busy schedule.  Plus, as I sit here with only my laptop, I am forced to put out a blog rather than flipping channels or shoving the dog off of me for the hundredth time today.  
Have I introduced you to my doggy, Cooper?  We call him Goopie.  He’s a one-and-a-half year old Puggle who I bet could take on a toddler in an energy race.  If I didn’t live across the country from my only friend with a toddler, I would put this assumption into effect.  Lately, my life if revolving around the damn (I love him so) dog.  He’s incredibly demanding and half the time I would get rid of him if his new found insistance of his wasn’t my own fault.  I baby him.  I spoil him.  And I do everything a loving and caring (dog) parent shouldn’t do – I bribe him with whatever I can to get my way for two-minutes, and if that doesn’t work, I throw him in his cage.
So, here we go, short and sweet, a description of my life.  Working with the husband, avoiding the dog and building a blog.  Did I mention that I’m greatly considering going back to school in the fall.  I’m looking into all of the colleges in Boston to get another Bachelors or a Masters in…. something.  I suppose I need to decide what I want to do with my life before I prepare to spend thousands of dollars, again.
Housewife Duties : Last week I planted a few plants for around the house-Housewives do that, right?  A Rose Bush (although the snow this week may have killed it), replanted my Ikea Bamboo sticks (Name : Planty) and repotted my small palmy-looking tree (Name : Big-Butt) in a larger pot.  
Here’s my latest-It’s a Paperwhite, which is apparently the easiest plant to grow and hardest to kill.  Perhaps I should mention that when my Dad tried to teach me how to drive his stick shift Jeep, he insisted that no one could kill this Jeep-and I did.  My track record for ‘you cant kill this’ isn’t that great.  Well see how it goes.  I think Ill name this plant Whitey.  


  1. Oh my gosh Shelley I LOVE your blog!! and this was so funny!! Where you talking about your truly and my toddler? Because I would totally fly Gunner across the country to face off against Goopie. And HOW FUNNY are his middle names? hahaha!!! I am so glad you are blogging!

  2. Send him over!! I miss my favorite unofficial nephew!
