Episode Eight : Spring? Is that you???

Hello Spring!

Its finally Spring in Boston.  Its time to shop for flip flops, Redsox (and/or insert your fav baseball team here.  Go Mariners!!) Tee’s and pump up the Wii Zumba routines a bit for those summer clothes just around the corner.  However, the warm weather hasn’t quite caught up with the sun shining outside, so I’ve been stuck in the house seeing water streaks on the windows as I gaze longingly outside.  What better to do that start that Spring Cleaning?!  Now, I’m a housewife with nothing better to do than cleaning (while watching Reality TV), so my house is not dirty, but it can use an extra deep scrub.  In fact, when the Husband came in, he didn’t comment on a cleanliness which came from 6 hours of cleaning, but on why the house has an orange/lemon/lavender and bleach aroma.  I actually used 12 different cleaning products and 6 cleaning utensils.  PLUS, I pulled a Danny Tanner, and cleaned the cleaning products as I put them away.

Since being on vacation, my new baby, Whitey, has shot up about 6 inches IN-A-WEEK!!  I am such a proud plant Momma-I mean, its been two weeks (one of which I was on vacation) and I haven’t killed him yet. 

As to not play favorites, here’s a picture of Big Butt.  He’s doing a good job of encouraging Whitey to grow tall like him.

Why did I name him Big Butt you ask?  Well, where the base of the trunk meets the dirt, it looks like two big butt cheeks.  We named him before we planted him, then when you water him, bubbles come up from between the “cheeks.”  No Lie, it looks like Big Butt farted in a bathtub.  He earned his name!!

OK, time to go back to scrubbing the oven door.  Don’t be too jealous, its not as fun as it sounds.  In fact, the only one having fun in this household today is the Dog, who is currently practicing his sun bathing..


  1. wait wait wait...you cleaned the cleaning products? Shelley, I am becoming worried for you. This whole housewife thing is changing you, and not for the better, dare I say. j/k :)

    And I love Whitey and Big Butt. And if that dog were mine, I'd smack him right side up and tell him to earn his keep around here! Go clean something!

  2. I'm impressed with all your cleaning! does that now include the dreaded taking out the garbage?

  3. Ha, Brit of course I didnt take out the trash. Thats SOOO not my job. I warned him of that before moving out here. JUST as Ive warned all of my other roommates of the past. :)

    And Raven, The cleaning products were all goey, I had to rinse them off. Also, Goopie was grounded in his Club House (cage in the office) the whole time for running over the freshly cleaned hardwood floors. I DO regularly tell him to earn his keep though..
