Episode Fourteen : Seeking Advice from My Bestie

Do you ever have those moments when you need to talk to someone, but no one ever seems to be around?  Or there are those opposite moments when your phone is blowing up so much with email/fb/twitter/text notifications that you cant even hear what the person on the other side of the phone is saying? 

Well, both of those moments are bouncing around in my mind right now.  I always pride myself on being there when a friend needs me.  There are few people who I don’t screen when they call me.  Granted, if they call me at an obnoxious time of the night, Ill likely be asleep and wont answer their drunk dial, but for the most part, IM THERE FOR THEM. 

I’m happy to say that my Bestie is too.  This morning I called her in need of a pep talk (she’s my go-to girl for a pep-talk and for venting sessions, hence, Bestie), and she tiredly answered the phone (HELLO, why are you asleep, its 11am!!  Its only 8am here, I only answered it because I saw it was  you on the caller ID!!).   She quickly pepped up to give me encouragement.  I gave her the quick details : You see, the guy I interviewed with yesterday called and left a voicemail.  Being me, I screened the call.  I was nervous.  He sounded positive on the voicemail, so this had to be good news.  We had yet to discuss compensation, and I am a horrible negotiator.  I wanted to job so badly that I would have accepted anything, but companies always tend to ASK me first what salary I want.  Arg, that’s so hard.  I don’t want to lowball myself, but at the same time, I wont was to oversell myself, taking me out of consideration.  There is no right answer to this question.  Help, what do I say!?   So, Bestie calmed me down and gave me excellent advice (sorry, she’s MY Bestie, so I’m not sharing her words of wisdom). 

Turns out, I didn’t even need to take her advice because he MADE THE OFFER FIRST!!  Yup, that’s right, I GOT THE JOB!!  I am STOKED.  I called the Bestie back first to thank her for the advice, then to give her the good news.  She shared her excitement with me (from 3000 miles away, it was like we were in the same room squealing like teenagers.  Love her). 
OK, this was us dancing at my wedding, but we WOULD
be dancing and drinking champagne if we werent
3000 miles away from eachother.
So, after talking to Bestie, then the Husband (THRILLED, even canceling his golf game tonight to take me out to celebrate), I posted it on Facebook.  Wow, I’m getting an exurbanite amount of love, quickly. My phone does a cute little double-beep when I get a facebook comments, and it was playing a little quartet of tunes.  So much that I couldn’t even keep up.  While I was on the phone with various fans, I had a handful of voicemails by the time I hung up.  First, my old Roommate who’s now in Australia (Yup, Australia is now celebrating my new job), My Dad (Its about time that degree paid off – Just kidding, he didn’t say that), my Aunt/Mentor (What about Grad School, might they pay for it??) and so on with a bunch of excited people sharing my happiness.  Yay me!

So here is where I am overwhelmed with communication (ok, I love it).  But now I’m thinking, for the last three months, while playing housewife (By choice!  After being laid off from a job I hated, I refused to apply for a job I wouldn’t LOVE {cap, bold, italicize and underlined}), I have been constantly available to those most important to me (even from 3000 miles away) whenever they need me.  It’s a good feeling.  But now I have to go back to work, and Boobie wont have my undivided attention.  Now I feel horrible.. 

Ok, never mind.  Forget I said any of that.  At every single job in the past, I’ve text/email/called the Bestie and we’ve shared our Poo Stories on the clock.  I suppose this wont ever change.  It wouldn’t be a dream job if it did.  
Ugh, she had perfect hair.  I hate her.  

Disclaimer : I know this post appeared to be an ode to my bestie, but she’s already had another post dedicated to her in the last month.  So until she fulfils her obligations of writing a guest post for me, she will not receive anymore head-blowing-up (whatdoyoucallit?).  Although, she’s not the kinda person to get a big head.   If you want to know more about her, clik the linky link above.

PS, I love my Bestie.


  1. Congratulations!!!! I'll come celebrate with you if you're serving champaign. No...really. I also love a good mimosa.

    I love my bestie too.

  2. awe I love this!!! i love the part about us e-mailing at work!!! =) you're the best bestie ever! hehe. ok i'm off to research doing a guest blog. after reading you and raven, mine better be dang good! such pressure! =)

  3. i love the pics too!!!!!

  4. awwww so cute!! AND, you forgot to mention that it also seemed like I was in the room with you also because Boobie was being SO loud downstairs that I could hear every word, squeal and OMG THAT IS SO AWESOME! I honestly thought that you just told her you were pregnant.
